The Future of Access to Medicines

The storage and access to medicines and drugs needs to be strictly controlled. There are multiple risks from having access to medicines including theft.

Creating a Contemporary Clinical Environment

Modern healthcare settings demand fitted furniture solutions that are not only functional but also adaptable to the evolving needs of medical professionals and patients alike.

Accurate Quotations First Time

Accurate quotations that are right first time can be impossible to achieve in larger projects, especially when delivery is in the public sector where budgets are limited.

Extra Funding Available?

Although public and private sector budgets are normally very tight, extra funding can sometimes unexpectedly become available. This may be from the cancellation of a larger project, un-spent year-end budget, a new Government initiative or grant, or a benevolent donation.

Ideas to Maximise NHS Budgets in 2025

As we start to settle into 2025, this is a great time to look at the Governments NHS Improvement Plan and start to consider how Hospitals and other clinical settings can maximise NHS budgets to address the challenge.  The Challenge  Building an NHS ‘Fit for the future’ has been a key priority for successive governments, […]