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Theatre Store Design

Theatre Store Design Solutions

Considerable savings can be made when stock is organised, and correctly rotated and Systemed components are designed to help make the task easier. A recent audit of stock in a major hospital theatre store found some items over five years past the use by date! Following some simple steps and principles can make all the difference.

Theatre design needs to take account of theatre locations and staff movement patterns;- are all of the items able to be stored in one central area or are there only a cluster of smaller storage areas available? What are the current bottlenecks to stock movement that staff report on? What are the future trends with package sizes and future plans for the hospital? Is there parking space for wheeled equipment to be stored safely if it was returned to base as not needed by patient bedsides? How regularly is the stock replenished and how does it arrive? Are all stakeholders involved? (eg Clinical staff, Supplied and Estates/Capital projects). For larger projects which may involve changes to walls etc…. are there CAD Drawings of existing spaces available for designers to take forward?
TheatreStoreRevAPerspec1 Labelled

1: Assortment of tall open fronted cabinets for standard stock, T60 and T40 style (CE02, CE02, CE03, CE04, CE09)

2: Prosthesis storage cabinets, T60 and T40 (CE08)

3: Sutures cabinets, T60 and T30 (CE04, CE10)

4: Plain shelf units (T60 CE04, T10) and longspan shelving for Bulky items and fluid boxes

5: Cabinets for decanted fluids (CE05)

6: Allow for spare capacity for holiday periods (additional stock) and wheeled equipment when not needed

0966 RoyalMarsden 002

Theatre store showing Tall T60 style CE09 style cabinets with wire baskets on support wall system, worktop on cantilever legs and wall mounted shelving. Cabinets boxed to ceiling to help prevent items being stored on top of tall cabinets and creating areas that are difficult to keep clean.


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